Are you looking for a path to change? Disengage for a moment from the endless race of life and take time to connect with yourself.
Start with the first step, barefoot of course : )

The Secrets of My Electric Body
EQN Retreat of Transformation

"Even a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single small step" (Lao Tzu)

Did you know that your subconscious is the real manager of your life?

Did you know that blocked energy channels in your body and your subconscious can hinder the creation of change and renewal?

Energetic blockages caused by fear, grief, worry, anger and over-excitement can constrict you and cause a state of exhaustion.

But you are looking for a way to transformation

So what do we do?

There is a way, based on ancient wisdom that is thousands of years old, combined with the conclusions of groundbreaking scientific research that is happening right now, to prepare yourself  for the fulfillment of your vision and dream.

Chinese sages realized already thousands of years ago that our body works on electrical energy. They knew the pathways through which this energy flows (the meridians) and developed the chinese traditional medicine based on the release of energy barriers in our electrical body.

The ancient Chinese developed the practice of certain movements, Qigong (or energy work), which creates the release of blocked energy channels.

By practicing the holistic movements of Qigong, one can move from feelings of sadness, anger, fear or worry to feelings of joy, confidence and love.

In this way, it is possible to achieve balance, calm and physical and emotional resilience in a simple and enjoyable way and prepare the ground for change.

And what has science discovered about our electric body?

In the last 30 years scientific studies discovered that the electrical energy (free electrons) that we receive through direct contact with the earth participates in essential energy production processes in our body and in reducing inflammation and reducing stress.

Now you may realise what is the source of the serenity you feel when you walk barefoot on the beach…

In another layer of the world of science we are now in the midst of a scientific revolution in everything related to our perception of the human body and its relationship with the world of bacteria.

Science is nowadays revealing the amazing cooperation between our body and our little friends that participate in every process you can think of in our body, the gut bacteria.
For example, it was discovered lately that certain intestinal bacteria produce electricity that helps us in various physiological processes.

It also turns out that the bacteria in our bodies are responsible for physiological as well as emotional processes and the quality of the bacteria we grow in our intestines can determine our quality of life at the physical and mental level.

So, if we want to be practical: take for example daily consumption of certain fermented foods,
A recent research found that it can increase cognitive abilities!

I have gathered this fascinating information along with delightful workshops of Qigong for a different and powerful retreat accompanied by excellent nutrition and direct connection to the earth (grounding) that charges you with energy

The retreat will take place in an enchanting venue, immersed in nature, in southern Portugal, only 20 minutes from the wonderful beaches of southern Portugal

Come to learn the secrets of your electric body and to an experience of transformation and reconnecting to yourself.

Come to receive fascinating theoretical, science based and practical information, along with simple practices of Qigong, beneficial nutrition and grounding.
Open a window to a different, calmer and more balanced life that will allow you to implement the change you want in your life

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Meet the three foundations of the EQN retreat

A unique combination of ancient wisdoms and simple practices


Nutrition according to Maimonides' teachings and scientific findings
(Maimonides Nutrition)

A lecture on nutritional medicine, combining centuries-old medical principles with modern research. Maimonides advocated balanced eating and natural food. Scientific findings support his principles. The approach aims to maintain optimal vitality and prevent diseases.



A thousands-year-old Chinese practice focusing on balancing internal energy (chi) in the body. The practice includes slow movements, deep breaths, guided imagery and meditation. It is designed to improve vitality, increase flexibility and inner strength, and reduce tension. Qigong connects body, mind, and spirit to create inner harmony.


Earthing (Grounding)

Earthing or grounding is a natural and simple practice where people physically connect to the earth through direct contact with the ground. Grounding has many benefits such as reducing inflammation, improving sleep, and reducing pain. Contact with the earth allows the body to absorb free electrons from earth, which help neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative stress.

Now is the time for change and renewal

I invite you to  experience and learn principles of a different lifestyle that will nourish you physically, emotionally, and spiritually. In the retreat, you will acquire a wealth of knowledge that you can take home with you and apply to your daily life simply and easily.

You will experience 5 days and 4 nights of staying in nature while learning theoretical and practical, enjoyable practices to enhance your WellBeing, and time for yourself to wander in the spaces and discover nature and yourself, read or just be.

You will discover the enormous benefits of earthing that assist vital processes in our body and experience grounding in the heart of nature with your own feet.

In the Qigong workshop, you will be exposed to the fascinating life philosophy of Chinese sages, experience relaxing practice that will charge you with energy, and understand how Qigong is related to grounding and how modern science confirms the wisdom of Qigong.

You will enrich your knowledge with important principles in nutrition that will accompany you throughout your life,

*Changes may occur

*All lectures and workshops will be delivered in English

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Good to meet you, my name is Michaela

After a long period of living in the city and managing typical urban life in the endless race, a divorced mother, self-employed and an employer, with all the stress that implies…

I decided that I’m not giving up anymore on gifts for myself, body and soul, and delved for years into studies in holistic fields such as Qigong, rebirthing, and nutrition.

During the Corona period, when the world went digital, I realized that nature was calling me to move to the rural areas and thus fulfill an old dream. There, in the heart of a small village, I discovered the power inherent in nature to calm stress, and strengthen my connection with myself and with those around me.

The connection to nature, earth, and beneficial nutrition allowed me to gather strength and make a significant change in my life.

Now I want to pass it on and share with you the treasure of knowledge I’ve accumulated as a Qigong instructor from the Wingate Academic College, as a graduate of the nutrition track of the Maimonides Medicine Center, and as someone who has studied in depth and lectures in various forums on the essential role of grounding for improving WellBeing and reducing stress.

Come join me for an unforgettable experience

Step out of the race, slow down, reduce stress, and strengthen body and soul

Change requires change. What is change? For example, a different and supportive environment where you can relax and look at life from a different angle, perhaps a place of nature from which you can draw strength and renew, learning new ways to nourish yourself physically and spiritually, reconnecting to your body..

This is exactly what I wanted to offer you

Retreat of 3 full days and 4 nights

A venue immersed in magical nature in Algarve Portugal

Physical, emotional, and spiritual connection to yourself

Quality and fascinating workshops

Adults only

Fresh ingredients for preparing tasty & healthy shared meals

Pleasant commodation arrangements

360 degrees of staying in nature

I am here to lead you step by step along the retreat in experiencing and learning simple and practical practices for a significant improvement in quality of life

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That's not all!

 Two Additional  workshops that make the retreat perfect

Healing Sounds Workshop

A unique experience combining frequencies and vibration, using special musical instruments such as Tibetan bowls, gongs, and sound tubes, the workshop promotes relaxation, stress reduction, and energetic balance. Participants experience a sense of deep tranquility and energetic renewal, leading to inner healing.

"Bringing Nature Home" Workshop

Here you will learn how to incorporate natural elements into home design to create a soothing and healthy environment. We will learn to use plants and natural materials to improve air quality and atmosphere at home. Bringing nature home improves quality of life and WellBeing and will be a natural continuation of the connection to nature you will experience in the retreat.

When and where does the retreat take place and what is the price?

Now at an introductory price 599 Euro only!
Prices relate to one person in a Bumgalow with another guest
Additional 50 Euro per day for one person in a Bungalow with private toilets- only one left  

"Monte Mariposa" Retreat

Wednesday to Sunday 18-22.9 - Arrival on Wednesday afternoon and ending on Sunday morning


How do I register?

You can register here

If you want some more information, Please leave your details and we will get back to you to complete your registration. You can also contact us via WhatsApp chat.

  1. Adults aged 18 and over seeking a transformative experience in any area of their lives. Those longing to rediscover the sense of well-being, tranquility, and balance often lost in the hustle and bustle of daily life.
  2. Individuals desiring to enhance their personal well-being, reduce stress, and improve their quality of life through nourishing nutrition, gentle and balancing movement, and reconnecting with nature, body, and mind.
  3. Anyone wishing to embark on a unique retreat at a beautiful camping site immersed in nature, filled with educational and enjoyable activities, special performances, and leave with valuable knowledge to enhance their quality of life immediately upon returning home.

This is an international retreat and it will be conducted in English

Browse here  
For detailed informatin

  • Flights to and from Portugal.
  • Airport transfers (available at an additional cost upon request).
  • Meals (But ingredients for meals preparation are included)
  • Anything not explicitly mentioned in the “What’s included” section.

You can join another guest on the two bed Bungalow,
On the Monte Mariposa website, under “accommodation” and “Valley,” you can see a picture of the interior of a two seperate-bed cabin, which is the standard cabin without any additional cost.
It is also possible to take a private cabin if there are any available.
You can see a picture of a private cabin suitable for a single person or a couple with a double bed. It includes a kitchenette and private bathroom for an additional 50 euros per person per day. Currently, there is one private cabin available.

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